International meeting on Social Ecology in Bilbao, October 27-29


A group of activists for social ecology from Spain, France, Catalunya and Bask Country are organizing a second international meeting in Bilbao, Spain, this year, after having organized a first one in Lyon last year.

Below you find the program and invitation in English. Also as a flyer pdf here..

For registration and further information, please visit the website (mostly in Spanish):
(There are some papers to read in English under “Textos Teoricos”)

Facebook event for the meeting:



Beyond any doubt, these days Capitalism is demolishing not only the society, sculpted by itself, but also the nature, in which it develops. No expertise is required to foresee a general breakdown of this capitalism in the near future, due to its “productivist” nature and the progressive consumption of energy and raw materials.

The State, contrary to general belief, is the key tool of the Capitalism for its expansion and for the reduction of the class struggle, produced by itself. This collapse will need to be controlled, to keep the “candy” of the “welfare state” which we had fallen on, and thus, the violence of its repressive force and coercion strategies will increase.

The aim of this Second International Meeting on Social Ecology is to create a fruitful space for analysis and deliberation. These reflections would be the result of some specific experiences, historical and contemporary, close and remote, with the only purpose of designing and broadcasting a new political
emancipatory model and a believable and tangible line of action, capable of agreement.


•16:00 Opening and register.

•17:00 Welcome message.

•18:00 Round-table: Which institutions for which type of municipalism?

a) Historical perspectives. Present situation: social democracy and libertarian municipalism, communalism or democratic confederalism.

b) Auzolan and batzarre: communal sovereignity in Euskal Herria (Basque Country).

c) The need of an institution: from the State or from the people? Pros and cons of each tendency.

•21:00 Dinner.


•09:00 Breakfast.

•10:00 Workshop on the defense of territory (intersectionality of struggles, permaculture, bio-construction, energy transition)

a) Mega-projects: a need from capitalism arranged by the State.

b) Defense of territory, struggles and alternatives.

c) Coordination field-city, demands and alternatives, urbanization and decentralization from a communalist politics perspective.

•13:00 Lunch break.

•14:00 Workshop on syndicalism, its revolutionary and anarcho-syndicalist tendencies.

a) Historical perspectives: the different paths in the libertarian communalism in the Spanish State (1868-1937). Success in Aragon and mismatches in Catalunya.

b) Syndicalism as an element inside capitalism? Why? Present role of revolutionary syndicalism and anarcho-syndicalism.

c) Perspectives from the inside of libertarian municipalism, communalism and democratic confederalism.

•17:00 Round table: Beyond the nation-states.

a) Excluding nationalism inside the nation-state.

b) Emancipatory definition of the term nation.

c) Commitment of the Kurdish people: democratic confederalism and its achievements.

•21:00 Dinner.


•09:00 Breakfast.

•10:00 Workshop on psychological role of capitalism in the alienation or destruction of communal and communicative bonds.

a) From the beginning: repression of the maternal desire and the origin of the
unconscious subordinate status. The term continuous and its concept. The
anti-patriarchal motherhood.

b) Capitalism and culture of narcissism, affection and attachment in consumer society: a throwaway living.

c) Feminist economics and eco-feminism.

•13:00 Lunch break.

•14:00 Round table: Jineology.

a) Paradigm of the sociology of women liberation.

b) The “Science of women”: re-connecting women with society, nature and life.

c) Can the Jineology as a science be exported to the Western World?

•17:00 Closing remarks and future perspectives.

September 13, 2017

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