MARAKÁ’NÀ: struggles in Rio De Janeiro [Documentary]

The Maracanã stadium is not only a space for leisure but, above all, a space of struggle. In this documentary (in whose production TRISE members Ersilia Verlinghieri and Federico Venturini also took part), the Grupo Popular Pesquisa em Ação explores the struggle for education, for housing, for indigenous rights, against capital development. This is a story similar to many struggles throughout Brazil, against the mega-events and the development model imposed from above.
This video narrates the events using testimonies of the protagonists and historical images. The main objective of this project is to analyze the resistance practices developed against the FIFA World Cup 2014, in Rio de Janeiro. This analysis is contextualized with the collection of crucial historical testimonies, reports of all the violence and abuses that occur due to the FIFA World Cup 2014. The video is geographically centered around the area of the Maracanã stadium, one of the areas where the contradictions of the development model characterized by the state of exception came to light and where several resistance strategies have emerged.
Around the Maracanã stadium took place different fights: for the Indigenous place Aldeia Marakana, for the Favela do Metrô Mangueira, for the public buildings around and the social movement Não Vai ter Copa – There won’t be a world cup.
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