Program of TRISE’s 2019 Conference

Image courtesy of James McKay

Conference theme: Power to destroy, power to create: building a culture of resistance – towards radical social change

Date: 25 – 27 October 2019

Location: Athens’ Culture Center (Akadimias 50), Greece


Friday 25/10

11:00 Welcoming greetings and introductory statements:
Dimitrios Roussopoulos (Montreal) TRISE Chair and Yavor Tarinski (Athens) Conference coordinator.

Keynote: Ines Morales (Athens)

Radical Urban Movements Contradictions in times of Multiple crisis of Social Reproduction. Urban Food Struggles in Lisbon, Madrid and Athens.

Chair: Alexandros Schismenos

12:20 Break
12:30 Social Ecology and the Crises of Our Time
  • Nikos Ioannou (Athens) – Ecology and Democracy in the 21st century
  • Emet Değirmenci (Melbourne) – Capitalism and the Anthropocene
  • Olli Tammilehto (Turku) – Thinking about ecological economy on the basis of movement experiences

Chair: Christos Karagiannakis

13:30 Lunch
15:30 Experiencing New Practices of Resistance 1
  • Krini Kafiris – (Athens) Reflections on a sustainable organising training: potentials for Greek activism
  • Amanda Priebe (Amanda) – The Abolition Journal Project – Against and Beyond Academia
  • Georgios Daremas (Athens) – Building cultures of resistance through Solidarity Initiatives in the era of Greek crisis

Chair: Gene Ray

16:30 Break

Keynote: Tanya Valiente (Wendland)

Breaking military siege, amplifying autonomous territory: Current steps in the Zapatista struggle and an international call

Chair: Yuliya Moskvina

17:30 Break

Learning from the Experiences in Chiapas and Rojava 1

  • Fabiana Cioni (Bibbona) – Jinwar, the Place of Women as a Revolutionary Practice
  • Leo Jubault (Paris) – Autonomy and Destitution: Rojava and Zapatismo 

Chair: Tonia Lentzou

18:40 Break
18:50 – 20:30

Book launch

“Social Ecology and the Right to the City” (Black Rose Books). Proceeding from the 4th TRISE conference in Thessaloniki 2017. Presentation from and discussion with editors and contributors.

Chair: Svante Malmström

Saturday 26/10


Keynote: Magali Fricaudet (Paris)

From radical utopia to the exercise of municipal governance: How can we think strategically the municipalist struggle?

Chair: Bruce Wilson

11:50 Break
12:00 Theory and Practices of Municipalism
  • Markus Lundström (Stockholm) Tensions of Municipalism: A Historical Sketch of the Anarchism-Democracy Divide (remote presentation)
  • Giorgos Papahristodoulou (Athens) – The significance of the city for social ecology
  • Dimitri Roussopoulos (Montreal) – Radical Municipalism – a growing socio-political trend
  • Eve Olney (Cork) – Cultivating a Culture of Resistance through Collective Design

Chair: Kate O’Shea

13:20 Lunch
15:30 Towards a New Culture of Resistance
  • Federico Venturini (Udine) – Building a culture of resistance for the struggles to come
  • Yavor Tarinski (Athens) – The Interconnectedness of Ecology and Democracy: Towards a strategy “from below”
  • Orestis Varkarolis (Athens) – A culture of (degeneration) resistance for radical co-operators inspired by Social Ecology

Chair: Emet Değirmenci

16:30 Break
16:40 Learning from the Experiences in Chiapas and Rojava 2
  • Recep Akgün (Ankara) – The Democratic Autonomy Project: The Promises and Limitations in the Case of Turkey
  • Marisa Cornejo (Geneva) – Drawing My Dreams, from State Terrorism in Chile to Exercising the Revolutionary Law of Women: A Talk with Images

Chair: Eleni Pagani

17:40 Break

Keynote: The Internationalist Commune of Rojava

The Revolution in Rojava: to combine internationalism and ecological struggles

Chair: Marcy Isabella

18:40 Break
18:50 – 20:00

Book launch

Presentations of books related to Social Ecology. Included titles:

  • “Direct Democracy: Context, Society, Individuality” by Yavor Tarinski (Durty Books Publishing House)
  • “The Disobedient Society” by Mathew Little (New Compass).
  • “Enlightenment and Ecology – the legacy of Murray Bookchin”, editor Vincent Gerber (Black Rose Books)

Chair: Dimitrios Roussopoulos

Other publishers and authors are invited to make brief presentations, and should inform Dimitrios Roussopoulos at about their desire.

Sunday 27/10


Keynote: Dilar Dirik (Cambridge)

Towards a new internationalism: Perspectives of the Kurdish freedom movement (remote presentation)

Chair: Ines Morales

11:50 Break
12:00 Experiencing New Practices of Resistance 2
  • Jelena Pantel (Paris) – Stability and resistance to invasion in ecological networks – what can we learn from natural community and ecosystem structure that can help build stable autonomous communities?
  • Giovanni Lupieri (Udine) – The Movimento Studentesco di Udine, from school to the entire society: network, libertarian practices and social center
  • Elliott Woodhouse (Sheffield) – Rebuilding and common-ing neighbourhood level infrastructure through community dining and Social Eating spaces: reports on the theory and praxis of the National Food Service campaign
  • Matyáš Křížkovský (Prague) – Political Ecology as the ground for “new” antisystemic politics? The case of Extinction Rebellion and catastrophic imaginaries

Chair: Spiros Garouniatis

13:20 Lunch
15:30 Between Education and Revolution
  • Matt York (Cork) – Collective Visioning, Revolutionary Love, and co-imagining radical social transformation in the 21st century
  • Marcy Isabella (Ventnor) – Watching Out and Getting Woke: Notes Towards an AnarchoCritical Pedagogy
  • Peter Piperkov (Sofia) – How democratization and radicalization of economic education and knowledge can help us build a culture of resistance?

Chair: Natalia Avlona

16:30 Break
16:40 Experiencing New Practices of Resistance 3
  • Nikola Blaschke (Meersburg) – Understanding the emergence and role of the Food Sovereignty movement as a counter-discourse by conducting a Foucauldian discourse analysis
  • Theo Rouhette (Chize) – A revolutionary agenda whose time has come: Municipalism in the yellow vest movement
  • Yuliya Moskvina (Prague) – The power to create and the political resistance to creation

Chair: Ioanna Maravelidi

17:40 Break
17:50 – 18:40

Keynote: Brian Tokar (Vermont):

Climate Justice and the Politics of Resistance

Chair: Giorgos Ktenas

20:30 – Celebration



Poster presentations

Put on display in the lobby of the conference venue

Gene Ray (Athens) “More Powerful than Memory”: Reading the Dead in Walter Benjamin and Leslie Marmon Silko
Sotiris Lycourghiotis (Patras) Climate change and second generation biofuels. The dilemma between mass production and local production. A geographic approach to the problem
Giorgos Ktenas (Athens) Climate change and grassroots waste management
Vittorio Sabatini (Turin) Murray Bookchin’s libertarian approach. From social ecology to revolution in Rojava
Pep Puig i Boix (Barcelona)
The Catalan Democratic Revolution



*Image Credit: James McKay

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August 27, 2019

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