Video recordings from our 2021 conference

In 2021 we at TRISE commemorated the 100th anniversary from the birth of Murray Bookchin (1921 – 2006), founding theorist of social ecology and one of the most profound thinkers of the 20th century, with an online transnational conference. The two-day event was well attended and provided a space for dialogue between activists and scholars, tuning in from different parts of the world to reflect on the great thinker’s legacy today.
Bookchin’s thought, always political and directed towards radical social change, has influenced both urban and rural social movements worldwide, including one of the most significant emancipatory experiences of our time – the social revolution in Rojava. It is our firm conviction that in these troubling times, marked by deepening crises of capitalism and representativity, the ideas of social ecology have much to offer in terms of utopian visions and radical paths towards an ecological and democratic society.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who contributed in making this conference such a memorable and insightful experience.
Below we publish the videos from all of the conference’s days and their program:
Day 1 (30 October)
Political Practice & Activism Session 1:
Davide Grasso – The Concept of Authority in Bookchin’s Works and Rojava’s Communalism
Azize Cay – Informal hierarchy, organization and activism: insights from the Democratic Autonomy of North East Syria
Georgios Daremas – On Bookchin’s Dialectical Naturalism
Political Practice & Activism Session 2:
Heval Tekoşîn – Exploring Certainty in Revolutionary Politics
Thomas Murray – Crack Capitalism or Communalism? Revolutionary strategies after Adorno
Metin Guven – Systemic Cycles of Capital Accumulation and Future of Capitalism
Libertarian Municipalism Session 1:
Ben Price – Municipalism‘s Escape from the Colonizing Imperatives of Empire in the U.S.
Robert Case & Bill Barrett – Could local environmental activism be a gateway to direct democracy at the municipal level? Reflections from water activism in Wellington County, Ontario
Libertarian Municipalism Session 2:
Yavor Tarinski – Bookchin‘s political proposals and ideas on direct democracy, popular assemblies and municipalism
Dimitri Roussopoulos – From Theory to Practice: the movement building of radical municipalism
Day 2 (31 October)
Nature & Ecology Session 1:
Giannis Perperidis – Murray Bookchin and Andrew Feenberg: Searching for Technological Alternatives for the sake of the Environment
Jordan Yanowitz – Los Angeles and the socio-ecological contexts in which it sits: Understanding its continental water system and its colonial origins
Laura Schleifer – Hierarchy’s Hidden Link: How Domination within Human Society and of Nature Stems from the Human Domination of (Other) Animals, and How Free Nature Requires Freeing Animals
Nature & Ecology Session 2:
Emet Değirmenci – Misanthropy and Ecofascism: Connection
Johannes Shephard – Nature & Ecology: Covid-19 as an instance of a larger phenomenon of disease
Anita Prakash – Restoring Ecology in Troubled Times:Searching for the Role of Direct Democracy in the Indian context
Future Research:
Federico Venturini – Reflections towards a militant social ecology research approach
Eve Olney & Krini Kafiris – Radical Institute: Developing Sustainable Social Ecological Praxis
Marle Payva – Rethinking the Notion of Nature in International Law
Book Presentations:
Various authors will present the book: Hunt, S. (eds.). 2021, Ecological Solidarity & the Kurdish Freedom Movement, Lexington Books
Various authors will present the book: Wright, D & Hill, S (eds.), 2020, Social Ecology and Education: Transforming Worldviews and Practices. Routledge
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