Jenny Gkiougki
Jenny Gkiougki is a food sovereignty activist based in Thessaloniki, Greece; founder and president of Agroecopolis -the Hellenic network for Agroecology Food Sovereignty and Access to Land. She has ben involved in many grass-roots initiatives in Greece concerning food, and has been a part of European Food Sovereignty since 2011 and the focal point for Greece, both for the FoodSov/NYELENI as well as for URGENCI-CSA movement; roles that got passed on to Agroecopolis upon creation, in 2017.
She has a diverse background with many years of experience both in marketing and management as well as adult education, holds a BA Hons Marketing and MBA.
-European Research Group for Community Supported Agriculture ( European CSA Declaration and European CSA Census);
-Neighbourhoods-in-action, group of political eco-activists in local gov (2014-2019);
–FundAction -participatory-funding community of European activists (2017-).
She facilitated the participatory-video, action research project ‘Mapping Alternative Food Economies’ with Dr.C.Buchanan ( CAWR), presented at the 5th International Degrowth Conference (Budapest, August 2016).
-Hellenic Conference on Food Sovereignty (2011);
-Permaculture Caravan in Greece (2014);
-1st Hellenic CSA Meeting (2015);
-Greek national delegations: 2nd European Nyeleni; 3rd European CSA Meetings (2016).
Latest publications: ‘Democracy not for sale: The struggle for Food Sovereignty in the age of Austerity in Greece’ (2018) together with TNI and FIAN and ‘Rural Europe on the move – a travel guide to transitions’ (2019) (collective of authors; Forum Synergies).
Through Agroecopolis she works on local, national, European and Mediterranean levels mainly on networking, advocacy, (action) research, and non-formal education.
Main interests: food sovereignty; sustainable rural-urban development; agroecology; SSE; climate mitigation via food practices; building communities and resilience.
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