Stop war against humanity in North and East Syria: Stop Turkey’s war and occupation policies

A global coalition of academics, activists and organisations, among whom John Holloway and Debbie Bookchin, has issued a statement condemning Turkey’s ongoing military operations in North and East Syria. The statement, signed by 183 individuals and 35 collectives, called for urgent international intervention to prevent further “crimes against humanity”.
The undersigned express our solidarity with the Kurdish movement made up of children, young people, women, diverse identities and the Kurdish people in struggle for their rights to autonomy and self-determination. And through our personal and collective voice we want to let the world know what is happeing in Kurdish territory right now.
Current Situation
Since the 4th of October 2023, Turkish army forces have systematically been bombarding villages, towns and general infrastructure in the districts of Derik, Rimelan, Tirbesipi, Qamishlo, Amude, Hasake, Til Temir, Darbesi, Manbij, Ain Issa, Kobane, Tal Rifat, Shehba, Shera and Sherawa, covering a geographical area of approximately 900 kms by 52 kms of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES).
Turkish warplanes, armed drones (UAVs), artillery and mortars have been targeting civilian settlements and vehicles, electric power stations, gas stations, water resources and energy supplies, oil fields, health centres and hospitals (including two hospitals specialising in Covid-19 patients), cement factories, crop fields, granaries and food companies, as well as the M4 highway and the surroundings of refugee camps in the regions of Hasake, Derik, Sheba and Sherawa that are inhabited by ten thousands of internally displaced persons. These attacks have been carried out from Turkish army bases inside Turkey, as well as from areas within North Syria that are under Turkish occupation since 2016, such as Jerablus, Afrin, Gire Sipi and Serekaniye.
During the first three days of the current attacks at least 16 people lost their lives, and dozens have been injured. About two million people have been left without electricity, sufficient energy or water supplies and have no access to healthcare. In a press statement the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria announced that the bombardments targeting the electricity infrastructure alone have so far caused material losses of 56 million US dollars.
We are facing a new dimension of Turkey’s invasive war that is aimed at occupying, “ethnically cleansing”, and destroying more areas of North Syria. The latest attacks have been announced by the Turkish government with the declared aim of wiping out “all infrastructure, superstructure, and energy facilities” in order to destroy all basis of life in North and East Syria and to depopulate the region. These attacks are targeting the lives and the security of more than six million people of different cultures and beliefs – such as Kurds, Arabs, Suryoye, Circassian, Turkmen, Ezidi, Christians, Muslim and others – living together on common land, and fulfilling their vital needs within the structures of Democratic Autonomy. Despite ongoing airstrikes, tens of thousands of residents of the cities and regions under attack are out on the streets condemning the attacks and declaring their determination to continue their common resistance against war and occupation –for a life of dignity, peace and freedom.
The latest Turkish attacks add to the systematic drone warfare, airstrikes and military operations carried out by Turkish army forces in the Kurdish regions on Syrian and Iraqi territory. Since 2020, the lives of community workers, journalists, politicians, members of the Autonomous Administration, the women’s movement and the self-defence forces have been deliberately targeted. Just between January 2022 and September 2023, due to about 190 Turkish drone strikes 163 people lost their lives and 218 were severely injured. Among them there are dozens of members of the YPG-YPJ and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) who have fought against Islamic State (ISIS) to defend humanity. Therefore, it does not seem to be a coincidence that the Turkish army started its massive air strike operation exactly at a time when SDF carried out large-scale operations to prevent the resurgence of ISIS.
Although all these attacks by the Turkish army on Syrian territory involve clear violations of international humanitarian law and war crimes and thus are contributing to deepen the humanitarian crisis in Syria and the whole Middle East, neither the UN nor other international bodies, states or forces have yet adequately condemned these crimes or taken any effective steps to stop them.
Therefore we call the international community and all concerned bodies to take urgent action to prevent further crimes against humanity and to stop Turkey’s war and occupation policies.
We call urgently all the sensitive and committed people in the world to
· Counteract Turkey’s disinformation policies and media censorship by providing and spreading information from sources in the targeted region itself.
We demand international organisation and governments to
· Establish a No-Flight-Zone for the Turkish Air Force, including armed and unarmed UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) over Syrian and Iraqi airspace.
From all over the world we demand urgently that
· The Turkish Government stops its war attacks, politics of occupation, and systematic killings of women’s rights defenders and people living in any part of Kurdistan, especially in the territories of North and East Syria, and North Iraq.
· Turkey ends its occupation and genocidal practices on Syrian territories such as in the regions of Jerablus, Afrin, Gire Sipi and Serekaniye.
· In accordance with international law, war crimes and crimes against humanity should be prosecuted, including genocide and feminicide committed by president Erdoğan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) government.
The great powers of the world do not view the autonomy of the Kurdish people in a favourable light, because it threatens their interests and ways of exercising power. The great world powers do not want to see the example of millions of Kurdish people being propagated. They do not want the world to know about the Kurdish people who meet in more than four thousand local assemblies to decide themselves over the course of their lives. In these assemblies, women exercise full political, economic and social rights. The same Kurdish people are out to defend themselves with weapons in their hands. They exercise justice through popular committees, and their means of production are collectively owned. None of them renounces their faith, their language, their beliefs or customs. They live together with others, accept their differences and organise themselves accordingly. In other words, the world powers (governments, nation-states, corporations, the powers that be) cannot respect, and even less let live and flourish a Kurdish society that is struggling for a world in which many worlds fit.
1. Hewa S. Khalid (V. Lecturer, Indiana University, USA)
2. Xochitl Leyva Solano (GT CUTER CLACSO, Chiapas, Mexico)
3. Jorge Alonso (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico)
4. Anahí Beatriz Pacheco (Chile, Transition Movement, Inner Transition Circle, Psychologist)
5. Carlos Alonso (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico)
6. Alberto Colin (Anthropologist and internationalist)
7. Axel Köhler (GT CUTER CLACSO, Chiapas, Mexico)
8. Fernando Valadez (Colectivo Contra la Tortura y la Impunidad)
9. Melanie EL Bush (MFMT, USSEN, Adelphi University, New York, US)
10. Lola Cubells Aguilar (Universitat de València, España; GT CUTER CLACSO)
11. Julia Suárez-Krabbe (Universidad de Roskilde, Dinamarca)
12. Valentin Val (Chiapas/argentina)
13. Francisco Morfin Otero (Guadalajara, Jalisco, México)
14. Vasna Ramasar (South Africa/Sweden)
15. Shrishtee Bajpai (India)
16. Francisco De Parres Gómez (Universidad Veracruzana, México)
17. Rubén Alonso (Guadalajara, Jalisco. México)
18. Jesús González Pazos (Euskal Herria, est. español; GT CUTER, CLACSO)
19. Violeta Gleaves López, La Paz, México
20. Inés Durán Matute (GTCUTER CLACSO, México)
21. Alejandro Reyes Arias (México)
22. Elisa Pérez Alemán (INAH Puebla) México
23. Kiro Eufemio Felipe Jiménez (México)
24. Begoña Ribera Martin (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México)
25. Maria Gracia Castillo Ramirez (APIJ-SNPICD-INAH)
26. Rosalba Icaza (Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Paises Bajos/GTCUTER, CLACSO, México)
27. Arturo Escobar (U.of North Carolina, Chapel Hill).
28. Marina Sitrin (Binghamton University, NY, USA)
29. Rodrigo Camarena González (Ciudad de México)
30. Jaime Preciado (Guadalajara, México)
31. Emre Sahin (Reno, Nevada)
32. Margarita Belén Díaz Velasco (Oaxaca México)
33. Ma. Eugenia Sánchez Díaz de Rivera. (Puebla, México)
34. Onésimo Ortega Ayala (Guerrero, Mexico)
35. Márgara Millán, (Red de Feminismos Descoloniales, México)
36. R. Aída Hernández (CIESAS-CDMX)
37. Miguel Agustin Ugalde (CELAMEX)
38. Rocío Moreno Badajoz (Universidad de Guadalajara)
39. Silvia Resendiz Flores (Mujeres Tierra, Mexicali)
40. Victor Rogelio Caballero (Colectivo aequus. Promoción y defensa de derechos humanos)
41. Martha Lechuga Luna (Docente jubilada)
42. Rosa Isela Martínez (Colectivo Francisco Múgica)
43. Héctor Zetina Vega (Red Morelense de Apoyo al CNI-CIG/Nuestra Alegre Rebeldía)
44. Benita Rodríguez (Adherente a la Sexta)
45. Imuris Valle (Radio Zapote)
46. Carlos Beas (Unión de Comunidades Indígenas de la Zona Norte del Istmo
de Tehuantepec)
47. Cassandra Cárdenas Pimentel (Karacolita Insumisa CDMX)
48. Efráin Rojas Bruschetta (Instituto Cultural Autónomo “Ruben Jaramillo Ménez”)
49. Calixto Carbajal Balderas (La Otra en el sur de Morelos)
50. Cristina Vargas (Red Morelense de Apoyo al CNI-CIG)
51. Alejandro Mira Tapia (Red Reir, México)
52. Felipe I Echenique (Profesor-Investigador del INAH)
53. Frida Alvarez (México)
54. Omar Lázaro García (CNI Totonacapan)
55. Jorge Salinas Jardón (Colectivo de Telefonistas Zapatistas)
56. Matilde Belem Huerta (México)
57. Leandro Albani (Periodista argentino)
58. Rocío Martínez (México)
59. Lehi Franco (La Gota)
60. Gerardo Alatorre (Red de Información Ambiental y Acción Ambiental de Veracruz)
61. Bruno Baronnet (Profesor-Investigador, Universidad Veracruzana)
62. Fernanda Martínez (Tejiendo Luchas desde México)
63. Gilberto López y Rivas (Antropólogo, Colectivo Llegó la Hora de los Pueblos)
64. Alicia Castellanos (Antropóloga, Colectivo Llegó la Hora de los Pueblos)
65. John Holloway (Puebla, Mexico)
66. Eloína Peláez (Puebla, Mexico)
67. Debbie Bookchin (New York, USA)
68. Karen Castillo (Observatorio Memoria y Libertad)
69. Nora Tzec-Caamal (Colectivo In Laak Le Ixiimó – Campeche)
70. Verónica Munier (Proceso de Articulación de la Sierra de Santa Marta, Veracruz)
71. Zenaida Cruz Hernández (Proceso de Articulación de la Sierra de Santa Marta, Veracruz)
72. Dulce María García Rivas (Entre encinos y nahuales, México)
73. Karla Arizmendi (Proceso de Articulación de la Sierra de Santa Marta,
74. Rodrigo Patiño (Articulación Yucatán, México)
75. Ana Patricia García (Entre encinos y nahuales, México)
76. Maria Estela Barro (Desmi A.C., México)
77. Cynthia Edith Hernández Torres (Proceso de Articulación de la Sierra de Santa Marta, Veracruz)
78. Mario Quintero (Asamblea de los Pueblos Indígenas del Istmo en Defensa de la Tierra y el Territorio – API IDTT)
79. Alejandro Torres (Pueblos Unidos de la Región Cholulteca)
80. Gabriela Cervera Arce (Yucatán, México)
81. Maribel Cervantes Cruz (Proceso de Articulación de la Sierra de Santa Marta, Veracruz)
82. Virginie Godet (Mouvement Demain, Liège, Belgique)
83. Jérémie Chomette (Clermont-Ferrand, France)
84. Seno Tsuhah, Chizami village Nagaland, India
85. Kamal Chomani, Germany
86. Christopher Wimmer (Journalist, Germany)
87. Omid Shakiba (Filmmaker and Film Lecturer, Toronto, Canada)
88. Latif Mustafa, (Judge, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
89. Ali Hama Salih (former member of Kurdistan Parliament, Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
90. Salah Rashid (former KRG minister, author, Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
91. Kamal Rauf (editor in chief of Shar Press, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
92. Seevan Saeed (Associate Professor in the Middle East Studies, Shaanxi normal university-China)
93. Shwan Muhammad (Editor in chief of Spi Media, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
94. Abubakr Haladni (former member of Kurdistan Parliament, Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
95. Sirwan Rashid (Journalist, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
96. Shwan Daudi (former member at Iraqi Parliament, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
97. Dr. Majid Salih (the Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
98. Rezan Sheikh Dler (former member at Iraqi Parliament, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
99. Asos Hardi (Journalist, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
100. Aram Saeed (Journalist, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
101. Khalid Sulayman (Journalist, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
102. Marina González Bustamante (Madrid, España)
103. Peter Hardy (London, UK)
104. Eleonora Gea Piccardi (Coimbra, PT)
105. Pascal Troadec (Maire-adjoint de Grigny, France)
106. Marko Ulvila (Tampere, Finland)
107. Eva Schonveld (Grassroots to Global, Scotland)
108. Rose Campbell (London, England)
109. Abha Bhaiya (One Billion Rising Campaign Coordinator India)
110. Rawa Hazhar (Lecturer of Physics, Nottingham, United Kingdom)
111. Namo Majeed (Civic Activist, Iraq)
112. Shannon Brincat (USC, Australia)
113. Charlotte Grace (RCA, London)
114. Elise Boyle Espinosa (University of Aberdeen, UK)
115. Zozan Yasar (United Kingdom)
116. Niekie Rimac Doornbosch (Netherlands)
117. Gerardo González Figueroa (ECOSUR) San Cristóbal de Las Casas
118. Eleanor Finley (UMass Amherst, PhD Candidate Anthropology)
119. Elif Genc (New School for Social Research, PhD, USA)
120. John Buck (Governance Alive [a nonprofit organisation], USA, coauthor of three books on Agile, Beyond Budgeting, and egalitarian organisations)
121. Ariella Patchen (Santa Cruz, CA)
122. Godofredo Pereira (RCA, London/GIT Portugal)
123. Dilbirin Acar (Seattle, WA, United States)
124. Stephen David Engel (Santa Cruz, CA, USA)
125. Laura Sofía Salas (Voces de Guatemala en Berlín, Germany)
126. Ibrahim Malazada (PhD, London, UK)
127. Lilith Frakes (Santa Cruz, CA, USA)
128. Angel Rojas (El mercurio digital, España)
129. Jesús Meza (Coordinadora de Colonias de Ecatepec)
130. David Sánchez (Comuner@s, Leganés)
131. Gialuanna Ayora (Red REIR, México)
132. Ruben Madrigal (Colectivo M28S, México)
133. Luis Rodolfo Rojano Mendez (Colectivo M28S, México)
134. Yamil Alfonso Maldonado Uriostigue (Colectivo M28S, México)
135. Dananlly Meza Ayala (CCE)
136. Fortino Domínguez Rueda (Semillero Zoque de Guadalajara, México)
137. Miguel Ángel Aguilar Díaz (CCE)
138. Fabio (Nodo Solidario México)
139. Servando Gajá (Colectivo Llegó la Hora de los Pueblos)
140. Bob Majzler (California, USA)
141. Victor Henrique (Ação Propagandista pelo Confederalismo Democrático Mundial, Brasil)
142. Isabella S. Daiub (NUPIEC, Brasil)
143. Fatima Yazmin Salcedo García (Un salto de vida, Jalisco, México)
144. Atahualpa Sofía Alejandra Enciso González (Un salto de vida, Jalisco, México)
145. Marina Colerato (Brasil)
146. Leonardo Rosin Da Silva (Brasil)
147. Concepción Martín (San Esteban de la Sierra, Salamanca, España)
148. Will Parrish (Santa Cruz, CA, USA)
149. Antonio del Giudice (Associate Lecturer, Royal College of Art, London)
150. Morad Batool- Roohi (Kingston, Canada)
151. Lucía Zavala (Brigada Martín Baró, México)
152. Iris MIjangos (Juventud Comunista de México)
153. Roland Denis (Comité en Defensa del Pueblo Kurdo Venezuela)
154. Janroj Yilmaz Keles (Assoc. Professor, Middlesex University, London, UK)
155. Stefania Cotei (Santa Cruz, CA, USA)
156. Ralf Yusuf Gawlick (Professor, Boston College, USA)
157. Barbara S. Gawlick (Lecturer, Boston College, USA)
158. Mehmet R. Kesici (Germany)
159. Julia Wartmann (PhD Student Basel University)
160. Bundessprecherin Margot ;müller (Feministische Partei DIE FRAUEN, Germany)
161. Gulistan Sido (PHD Student and reacher in kurdish culture Paris)
162. Hekim Ceken (Cîwanê Malpera Gelê Freiburg/Deutschland)
163. Hejar Sido (Danmark)
164. So Lebohang Liepollo Lebohang Pheko (South Africa (Azania)
165. Ercan Ayboga (Mesopotamia Ecology Movement, Frankfurt, Germany)
166. Jordan C. Hayes (Wenzhou, China)
167. Ulrike Braun, (Laufersweiler, Germany)
168. Michael Hartmann, Eichenbühl, Germany
169. Gracias Fernando – INDIA
170. Heike Schmitt, Eichenbühl, Germany
171. Edwin M John, India
172. Nic Moore, Turtle Island (USA)
173. John Tharakan,India
174. M.R. Ravisankar, India
175. Gayathri, India
176. Sunag Sankar, India
177. Sugamya Sankar, India
178. Yadgar Sdiq (United Kingdom, Activist)
179. Joanna Bocheńska (Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland)
180. Mayté Valderrama (Denmark)
181. Abdulwehab Pîranî (Sûrya)
182. Mazig yedr (Al-Giriya)
182. Ferîdon Saman(Kurdistan Îraq)
183. Egor Egorov (Russia)
1. Jineolojî Academy
2. Civil Diplomacy Center in North and East Syria
3. Grupo de Trabajo “Cuerpos, Territorios, Resistencias” de CLACSO
4. Colectivo Tejiendo Luchas desde México
5. Colectivo Transdisciplinario de Investigaciones Críticas (COTRIC)
6. Centro Universitario Comunal Ixhuatán
7. Colectivo Radio Zapatista (México)
8. Colectivo Llegó la Hora de los Pueblos (México)
9. Radio Zapote
10. Regeneración Radio
11. Colectivo aequus. Promoción y Defensa de Derechos Humanos
12. Pueblos Unidos de la Región Cholulteca y de los Volcanes
13. Proyecto Videoastas Indígenas de la Frontera Sur (PVIFS)
14. Emergency Committee for Rojava (USA)
15. Proceso de Articulación de la Sierra de Santa Marta, México
16. Comité por la Defensa de los Derechos Indígenas (CODEDI)
17. Centro de Derechos Humanos (ESPADAC)
18. Concejo de Mujeres Autónomas (COMAA)
19. Red Nacional de Resistencia Civil
20. Colectiva Mujeres que Luchan – Xalapa
21. Uriel Nuño Gutiérrez, Universidad de Guadalajara, México.
22. Rojava University
23. Abha bhaiya – One Billion Rising coordinator India
24. The Royal College of Art, School of Architecture, London, UK
25. Medical Self-Defense Network
26. Rojava Solidarity Santa Cruz (USA)
27. California Kurdish Community Center (USA)
28. Nodo de Derechos Humanos (NODHO)
29. Editora Terra Sem Amos (Piauí, Brasil)
30. Trade Collective [Feminist Think Tank] (South Africa (Azania)
31. ¡Compas Arriba! Colectivo de Medios Libres
32. May First Movement Technology cooperative
33. Legerîn Azadî (València, Spanish State)
34. Ravi sankar, President, NCN, India
35. Brigada Ignacio Martín Baró, México
For further information see:
Rojava-NES | Statement to Civil Society and Global Public Opinion
Summary Report: Turkey’s Aerial Assaults on North and East Syria: 5-6 October 2023 by Rojava Information Centre
Turkish Warplanes and Drones Target Northeast Syria, 6 October 2023 by AANES
Turkey’s Drone War in North and East Syria, 20 June 2023 by Kongra Star
Published by RIC also:
Women Defend Rojava:
Published by Kongra Star:
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